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Design by Peter Query

This puzzle exist of just six pieces but is hard to solve. The reason for that is that the constructed form of this puzzle is hard to imagine when it is taken apart 

Wega is based upon an ordinary Chinese cross puzzle. The rods are turned 15 degrees compared to the middle of the puzzle and the ends of the rods are sawn under an angle of 15 degrees. The puzzle can be solved by simple shuffle the pieces one-by-one into the puzzle. You have to know the sequence of the pieces to put into the puzzle. You can find the solution of this puzzle on this website.

Making this puzzle is a very precise job. There are hardly any right angles in this puzzle and when drawing or sawing this puzzle you can easily make some mistakes. A tip is to saw next to the lines on the blocks and not over the saw lines. After that you can polish and sand the notches till the pieces fit together. It's a long lasting job but the result can be very nice. 


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