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For making a puzzle you need at least two pieces. One could think that a puzzle with so little pieces must be simple, boring and probably not worth mentioning at all, although a toddler can have a lot of fun connection two pieces of a simple jigsaw. However not only toddlers can have some problems with puzzles of two pieces. The next examples shows two puzzles which can even drive adults to insanity.

Magic Pyramid

This puzzle is made of two identical pieces. The problem looks very simple: make one pyramid, but a lot of people need rather some time to find the solution, and some even won't ever find it.

For making this puzzle you can look at the design graph. You can also make this puzzle simple out of a cube and thus out of a square stick. If you do that you have to look at the solution first.

Nob's ingenious two pieces puzzle

Design by Nob Yoshigahara

You could think that the puzzle below is exactly the same as the cross puzzle. But if you try to find a key piece by turning every piece you will not find it: it looks like one solid construction. How can you take his puzzle apart? 

It is impossible to give a description of the puzzle without telling the solution. If you can't find out for yourself how to construct this puzzle you have to look at the solution. One tip: the puzzle is made out of two pieces and not three as you might think.


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