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Design by Stewart Coffin

The puzzle shown here, can be made out of rhombic blocks. The puzzle is formed by six identical pieces. These pieces are clustered into two groups of three pieces. These groups can be slid into each other to complete the puzzle. There is only one way to take the puzzle apart. Even when the puzzle is made lose, the puzzle won't fall apart easily. The appearance of this puzzle is formed by six rhombic dodecahedrons.

If you want to make this puzzle you need several rhombic blocks: eighteen C-pieces, six R-pieces and six L-pieces. Two C-pieces are glued to one other C-piece. One R- and L-piece are then glued to the outer C-pieces. The diagram below makes clear how to make one piece. In total six of these pieces have to be made. Te get an contrasting effect within the puzzle as show in the picture above, you need to cut the L- and R-pieces of another kind of wood than the C-pieces.


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